flyer distribution

Flyer Distribution: Tips & Tricks

Flyer distribution has been a successful outlet for many businesses using DRMG’s services. A popular, and widely recognized direct response media group, DRMG distributions eye-catching targeted flyers to local potential customers. While this form of marketing has been popular in previous decades, it is not slowing down. This is due to smart marketing techniques, creative flyers, and high impressions from customers cashing in on the deals presented.

Tips and tricks smart marketers use with flyer distribution:

  1. Catchy tagline will grab the viewer’s immediate attention, drawing them towards reading the rest of the flyer.
  2. Colour graphics ensure the flyer will stand out from the other mail pieces piled up.
  3. Organization is key! While the necessary information needs to be included, by using boxes or borders, this can help in separating important text.
  4. Proofread. Mistakes will cost a business a sale!
  5. Make the flyer reader-friendly. Ensure the deal will be easily found and understood.
  6. Understand the demographic that is being targeted.
  7. Include a limited time offer so the reader will need to bring the flyer in before the time runs out.
  8. Identify the benefits of one deal compared to competitors.
  9. Always include contact information so the customer can contact for more details or questions.
  10. Depending on the offer, make it personable, so the reader feels the product/service is made just for their needs!

By following these tips, and more, direct mailing has been a continued success for businesses looking to add flyer distribution to their marketing strategy.

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